Wall panels are a great feature in any space and when looked after, they can add character and interest to your room. With Simply Refresh you can give your wall panels a colorful makeover that will elevate your home’s style.

You’ll need:

  • Dulux paint for wall panels
  • Paint stirrer
  • Paint tray
  • Brush
  • Roller
  • Dustsheets
  • Sand paper and sanding block
  • Masking tape
  • Cloth
  • Sponge
  • Degreaser


Sanding wall panels
  1. Get started by protecting your working area. If your panels are already painted, give them a gentle sand to remove any loose or flaky paint and make the surface porous. For the main parts of the panels, use a sanding block to achieve a smooth and consistent finish and then switch to just using sand paper for any parts that are difficult to reach.
  2. Remove any dust and give them a wipe down with degreaser and leave to dry.
  3. Mask up along the floor or where your paneling meets skirting, flooring, walls or ceiling.


Painting wall panels
  1. Give your Dulux paint a good stir and pour it into the paint tray.
  2. Start by painting in and around all the detail of your panelling with a brush then switch to a roller for larger surfaces. To see how long you need to leave your panels to dry, simply check the back of the tin for a recommended time.

    Top tip: In between coats, simply put your brush and roller in a plastic bag to keep them moist, so you can use them again for you next coat without having to give them a wash.
  3. Give your panels their second coat and wait for them to dry again.


  1. Remove as much paint as you can from your brush, roller and tray.
  2. Give them a thorough wash in water, there’s no need to use white spirit, as Simply Refresh is water based.
  3. Firmly close the paint tin and store in a dry and frost-free environment.

Need some inspiration? Take a look at some of our favorite ways to makeover wall panels.